Sunday, June 17, 2007

The day before work

Ok, lemme complain abit. I hate titles. Why do I need a title for every blog I write? *shucks*
I think Dom lost his sim-card. Which spells silence from that part of Subang.. tee..hee

Now back to news about yours truly: I ahem... start work tmrw. Does it suck?! Yeah! Big time. No the firm is fine.. it'd prolly be like any other place out there: admin v. exec level. *bittch, bitch, bitch* about anything under the sun!

But its the caged feeling. If I wake up tmrw and feel like turning over and going back to sleep, I'd have no choice but to get up, empty 'em bowels (don't start the Kurap off.. she can write a thesis), push some food down my esophagus and get dressed. Skip the bath.. it'd serve as a 'taste of your own medicine' to the morons on the LRT at 6pm.

Working hours from 9am to 6pm.. plus the need to stay back coz they've paid u RM800 a month. What?! Plus... u can't top this... your's truly has to wear heels... damn heels.. mind u... and all at the risk of developing scoliosis, osteoperosis, a malady suffered by the Hunchback of Notre Dame and varicose veins. Damn! Now I'd have to cancel all contracts I had with Playboy.

How would work go? People will stare at my gawd-awful huge hide as I enter and heave and sigh in my gawd-damn heels. Then I'd proceed to the registration counter and the security will need my IC.. which contains a hantu-look-alike photo.. which would prolly make the security throw up.. out comes nasi lemak.. *good.. makes security more alert!*

Lalala... I don't care. I believe 4 weeks will fly by and I shall be free again. Damn u cage!
Life sucks! Life cannot suck coz life is not a sweet! *sounds so lame.. like something Anil would say*

Friday, June 15, 2007

The many faces of KURAP! bad reaction to the London External

(c) the kurap requested anonimity as a result of gaining employment at a reputable law college

~ Post exam condition ~

a natural saturation of knowledge in the grey matter

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Wonders of Kota A Famosa

Wondering how to improve on the architecture. It only takes 2 law students to conquer the fort! Probably one and a half law students. The thin one has a void between the ears :p

Only Natural

Looking back and it comes to me
Close my eyes and it still surrounds
Looking back, trying to forget
The fateful day we parted company
Years go by people pass me by

Quaint and warm ,
just like yesterday
Through the mist,
I feel a peace
Memories that keep me onward bound

This natural feel,
within my soul
Clings to my being,
won't let go
This natural feel, deep down inside
Reflects all I feel for you

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Before the last paper

I had to blog about this. My last paper company law.. and 4 days before the paper, my hand decides to cramp up and cause me great nauseous pain. Yeah, me and my many inflictions.

I have this feeling that tmrw will never come. And then when tmrw comes, it will fly by so fast, that I will awake only to realise that I am at the crossroads of life... similar feelings in 2004 overwhelm my soul. Now that sounds classy doesn't it. Nah.. I just wanna get my own bachelor pad *wheedles*

The streaming is really lousy today, which makes my YouTube screening lag. *ok, ok I'm not complaining*