Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Life after the egg failed to thrive

I did it again! No, not Britney's song. But the fact that I had done it again and this time took it for granted that everything in life is easypeasy because I'd done it before. Not true. 

I went for the 11w scan and it showed the egg had f**king sat there after week 5 and said farewell. Lazy bum egg. Only after realizing this, my unders started to cry large tears of red. I almost bled to death on Sat night 28/11 and was discharged on Monday evening after a D&C.  

Two verses came to me this week as I went thru this experience:
Job 1:21 The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord

Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made all things beautiful in His time

Life after experiencing this makes me want to 
1. Do something different in life. At the mo I'm kinda tired of my jobscope doing convey and follow up. But I've good easy hours and get to spend lots of time with fatty Tikus Gemok 

2. I feel like having plenty of offspring just because nature beat me down this time. I feel I need to get back and prove to nature that I'm a rebel 

3. I love conducting training. I actually look fwd to it. I just wish I cud make money from it

4. I want to lose 20kg